Okay. So you arrived on this page for a reason. You’re looking at how you can improve your conditions at work. And you’re looking at how you can be represented by a Union to achieve a balance of power with your boss. We are the Machinists Union, and we are the professionals you are looking for.
Maybe your boss doesn’t treat you right, or there’s some basic unfairness at work. Maybe your friends have gotten wage bumps while you remain stagnant. The bottom line is this: regardless of why you came here, the Machinists Union can help you in your workplace. Here’s How to Join.
Spend just fifteen minutes on this website, and then give us a call at (604) 513-3883. Your call will be kept confidential, and there is no commitment required by a phone call.
Why Do Workers Join A Union, Anyway?
Workers are looking for fairness in the workplace. Often, companies treat workers differently. They pick favorites and give all the best jobs and best shifts to these workers. They may give them all the promotions, and even pay them differently. When managers engage in patronage, promote their friends, terminate the employment of people without cause and have poor management skills people are not going to trust them. A Union can negotiate for a contract that controls or eliminates this unfairness.
Workers are looking for Respect in their workplace. Aretha Franklin said best: everyone needs a little R.E.S.P.E.C.T. You don’t go to work to be yelled at by the boss or his supervisor. You don’t go to work to be treated like a servant. The Union can ensure that its members are treated with respect and professionalism.
Workers are looking to improve their Wages and Benefits. Its a fact: there is a $5.00 difference between the Union workplace and the non-Union workplace. And we could all use a little extra money in our pockets. The Union can negotiate for higher wages for all the employees in a workplace. Not to mention the health and dental benefits, and other terms and conditions that Unions can negotiate into a contract on your behalf.
Workers are looking for job security. Yep. its true, that “S” word. Seniority. Workers know that it is just plain wrong to layoff a worker who has been with the Company for a long time, and keep on an employee who just started. But you know it happens, and it can happen to you. Unions negotiate for Seniority (yep, with a capital “S”) clauses to ensure that workers have some job security for their many long years of service.
Workers are looking for a Safe Workplace. Some companies are not safe places to work; you have a family to consider, and yourself. You have people who love you and want to see you come home safely. Nobody should risk their personal safety when they go to work each day. Your Union can ensure that the company is a safe place, by ensuring they comply with WorkSafeBC regulations, and by participating in safety issues on the shop floor.